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Q: What has Ellen done to help charitys?
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What has Ellen degeneres done for the world?

Ellen donated so much of her time and money to charitys across the world, and also Ellen set up a 'Hurricane Katrina' relief fund that raised over 7 million dollars. **** yeah.

What things are being done to help homeless people?

creating charitys that help people fine sheater and food and get back on there feet.

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How can you halp charitys?

You can help charities by donating.

Does Taylor Swift help with any Charitys?

She does have a charity that she supports, but I forget what. Look on her website to find out.

Has Michael Jackson ever done anything charitable?

he has his own chairty, and also supported between 30-40 charitys!

How do charitys help the third world countries?

they get money and get them clean water and food and make better schools and hosptality:)

Which celebritys are a good examples?

Hilary Duff is a good role model. she donates to about 7 charitys and hasn't done anything that most stars do

Which celebrity has done something great?

Beyonce knowles , she has helped a lot of charitys and also donated one of her handbags to the women's fund for scotland

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How does the UNHCR help refugees?

You cannot directly help refugees, but can give to charitys to help their wellbeing, you could expect a certain standard of the treatment to a refugee in a EU country anyway.

What is suicide month?

It's were the raise awermess for mental health and depression. They raise money to go to charitys etc, and help the sick.