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This depends heavily on where you live and your local waste management facilities.

If you don't separate your recyclables properly, they could end up just going to the junkyard and making pollution worse.

Some areas have sorting facilities where they take garbage and manually separate the recyclables. Mind you that this is a very unsavory job and can cause a variety of health issues for employees.

The best advice I can give is to make a separate container for recyclables at home, have a trash can and a "recycle can". That way you can simply throw out your garbage and present your recyclables without having to sort them for recyclable materials, an easy and responsible solution!

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Q: What happens to your household rubbish if not recycled?
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What happens to household rubbish when it is recycled?

it gets made into other things such as plastic bottles if you look at a bottle or a packet it sometimes saye 100% recycled

What happens to our household rubbish if it isn't recycled?

It gets put into a landfill, or burned before being put in a landfill. It goes into landfill where it can damage the environment.

What happens to rubbish after its thrown in the bin?

Its recycled again;D

What happens to rubbish if it is not recycled?

basicly what happens is sometimes they burn it or sometimes they bury it under the ground

What happens when products are not recycled?

when products are not recycled they are taken to the dump to either break down, or they dig a massive hole and put the rubbish in.

What happens to household rubblish if it isn't recycled?

it goes into landfill or gets incinerated.

What happens when household refuse after it has been thrown down the refuse bin or rubbish chute?


What percent of rubbish is recycled?

In many states, about 35% of rubbish is recycled. The number is climbing every year, though, as companies find ways to recycle.

Is the rubbish collected from Mount Everest recycled?

The rubbish that is collected from the slopes of Mount Everest by Sherpas every year is either burned, recycled or even made into art.

What happens to your household rubbish if its not recyled?

Rubbish that is not recycled is disposed of using landfill sites and incinerators. These rubbish disposal systems have an environmental impact and prevent materials that could have been reused from being recycled.

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