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Q: What happens to humans when part of their environment is not healthy?
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What happens to animals and plants when part of their environment is not healthy?

When they are not in a healthy enviormant they instantly become unhealthy. This unhealthiness can also lead to unecissary death

Does 'environment' also include humans?

Yes, the term 'environment' can include humans as well. Humans are a part of the natural environment and are impacted by and have an impact on the surrounding ecosystems and natural resources. Thus, considering humans as part of the environment is important in understanding the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Which part of the humans body do oranges keep healthy?

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Are humans a part of the environment?

Yes we are apart of the environment because we create our own and we can adapt to any environment waring the appropriate clothing.

What relationship do humans have with the environment?

Humans have a complex and interdependent relationship with the environment. We rely on the environment for resources such as food, water, and shelter, but our actions like deforestation and pollution also negatively impact the environment and its ability to sustain us. It is important for humans to strive for sustainable practices to maintain a healthy relationship with the environment.

Why do you want to work as environmental health specialist h s?

Environmental health is part of overall health. The other part of it is physical health. They go together; you have to have a healthy environment in which to maintain a healthy body.

What happens if you don't have 5 a day?

Nothing. 5 a day is just basically part of a healthy diet

What happens to the environment when you obtain water?

it depends whether you are part of it, just a bystander, or on Einstein's train

Why are decomposers a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem?

return nutrients to the environment so matter and energy can begin another cycle.

What is the living part of the environment?

The living part of the environment is the biotic components, which include all living organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. These organisms interact with each other and with the non-living components of the environment to form ecosystems.

Why there is a need for public awareness to maintain the quality of environment.?

Public awareness is crucial to maintain the quality of the environment because it helps individuals understand the impact of their actions on the environment. By raising awareness, people are more likely to make environmentally friendly choices, support conservation efforts, and advocate for policies that protect the environment for future generations. Informed and engaged citizens can drive positive change and contribute to creating a sustainable and healthy environment.

How can pollution make it harder for humans to meet their needs?

We pollute water and kill fish. Fish can be an important part of our environment.