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Q: What happens if you violate the clean act?
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is to tax the paper

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you get a ticket

What happens when a collection agency does not honor a settlement agreement?

If this occurs, then they may have violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or they may have generally breached a contract with you. If the violate the Fair Debt act, then you have a lawsuit against them.

Which amendment does the patriot act violate?

The 5th Amendment

What is the maximum Privacy Act penalty for individuals who violate the Act?

$5,000 and fined with a misdemeanor.

How did president Johnson violate the tenure of office act?

He didn't violate it. He served the rest of the JFK term and then ran for his own.

What law did the 1765 stamp act violate?

the Petition of Right

What happens when you violate a blue law?

The state confiscates your license.

What happens in texas when you violate terms of probation?

It depends on what the violation is.

How did the colonists feel about the. Quartering act?

Colonists disputed the legality of this act because it seemed to violate the Bill of Rights.

Was created to clean up air and water pollution?

The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act were created to help clean up the air and water from pollution. The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970 and the Clean Water Act followed in 1972.