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The Food Web was altered completely because it oiled ducks and plankton and birds. So the spill affected the plankton which affected the fish and the birds. Thousands of species of animals died out. Bears, Birds, Fish, Plankton, Ducks. The spill is still affecting the ecosystem today. A government estimate showed that only about 14% of the oil was cleaned up.

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Thousands of animals died immediately; the best estimates include 250,000 to as many as 500,000 Seabird, at least 1,000 Sea_otter, approximately 12 North_American_River_Otter, 300 Common_Seal, 250 Bald_eagle, and 22 Orca, as well as the destruction of billions of Salmonand Herringeggs.Answers.comAnswers.comThe effects of the spill continue to be felt today. Overall reductions in population have been seen in various ocean animals, including stunted growth in pink salmon populations.Answers.comSea otters and ducks also showed higher Death_ratein following years, partially because they ingested prey from contaminated soil and from ingestion of oil residues on hair due to

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Q: What happened to the wildlife when the Exxon Valdez spilled?
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Exxon is the company, also known as exxon and mobil...exxon valdex is the oil tanker that spilled millions of barrels of oil off the Alaskan coast.

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