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attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief

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Q: What four variables contribute to the extent of one's social bond with society?
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What are the three most important variables in determining one's place in the social stratification system?

The three most important variables in determining one's place in the social stratification system are income, education level, and occupation. These factors contribute to an individual's social status and access to resources and opportunities within society. Additionally, factors such as race, gender, and geography can also play a significant role in shaping social stratification.

What is the goal of sociology?

The goal of sociology is to study and understand society, including the relationships and interactions between individuals and social institutions. It aims to explain social behavior, social structures, and social change in order to contribute to a better understanding of society as a whole.

Which sociological perspective holds that if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society's stability or survival it will not be passed on from one generation to the next?

Functionalism is the sociological perspective that holds the belief that if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society's stability or survival, it will not be passed on from one generation to the next. This perspective emphasizes the importance of social institutions in maintaining social order and cohesion.

What does having a social life have to do with watching only cartoons as adults?

Because you're getting older so you have to contribute to society

What is social distinction among members of a society?

Social distinction refers to the various ways in which individuals within a society are differentiated or categorized based on factors such as wealth, social class, education, occupation, and cultural background. These distinctions often result in unequal access to resources, opportunities, and privileges within the community. They can contribute to social stratification and hierarchies in society.

Is the extent of social inequality in the US helpful or harmful to society?

Social inequality in the US is harmful to society as it limits equal opportunities for individuals, perpetuates disparities in access to resources and opportunities, and leads to social and economic divisions. Addressing these inequalities through policies and programs that promote equity can lead to a more just and stable society.

The chief characteristic of which theoretical approach is its view of society as orderly and stable?

Functionalism is the theoretical approach that views society as orderly and stable, with a focus on how different parts of society work together to maintain social equilibrium. This perspective emphasizes the importance of social institutions and how they contribute to the smooth functioning of society.

What is the definition of social elements?

Social elements refer to the various components of social interactions, relationships, and structures that contribute to the functioning of society. These can include cultural norms, values, institutions, and practices that shape human behavior and relationships within a community. Understanding social elements is crucial for analyzing the dynamics of society and how individuals interact within it.

Is a sociological theory that stresses stability of social relations and social organization?

Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that emphasizes the stability of social relations and social organization. It views society as a complex system with interconnected parts that work together to maintain social order and stability. This perspective focuses on how different parts of society contribute to the overall functioning and maintenance of social structures.

What are other ways by which a society can be dissolved?

A society can also be dissolved through external forces such as invasions, colonization, or natural disasters that disrupt the social fabric. Social fragmentation, economic collapse, or political upheaval can also contribute to the dissolution of a society. Ultimately, a breakdown in social cohesion, trust, and shared values can lead to the disintegration of a society.

What do sociologist with macro level orientations call constructs such as social institution social status and social class?

The structures that shape society

Which empire discussed in this section do you feel contribute the most to modern-day society and why?

Look in your social studies text book you dummy!😏😕