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Q: What four characteristics of human are totally unaffected by the environment?
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What is the study of the relationship of people and their characteristics to the physical environment?

human ecology

What are natural and human characteristics?

Natural characteristics are features of the environment that are not created by humans, such as climate, landforms, and vegetation. Human characteristics are traits or attributes specific to humans, such as culture, language, and technology. Both natural and human characteristics contribute to the overall makeup of a place or region.

What are the human characteristics of Honolulu?

If you are wondering what the Human characteristics of Hawaii is then you have come to the right place.....Citys/towns are Human characterists, musuems, landmarks ect. Human Characteristics are just things made by man. (these things are notmade by the environment...)

What two types of charateristics describe a place?

Physical and Human/Environment Interaction illy<3 Ashley burrus

What are the 5 themes in geography?

The five themes in geography are location (where a place is), place (physical and human characteristics of a location), human-environment interaction (the relationship between people and their environment), movement (the mobility of people, goods, and ideas), and region (areas that share common characteristics).

What are the 5 themes in geogrophy in Jordan?

The five themes in geography that are relevant to Jordan are location (its coordinates on the map), place (physical and human characteristics), human-environment interaction (how people interact and adapt to their environment), movement (migration patterns and transportation networks), and region (complex areas with shared characteristics).

What are South Dakota's 5 themes of Geography?

South Dakota's five themes of geography include location (where it is on the map), place (physical and human characteristics), human-environment interaction (how people interact with the environment), movement (transportation and communication), and region (areas with common characteristics).

What would a human need in order to survive in mars?

A totally enclosed and controlled environment, with sufficient food, water and air for the duration of the visit

What are the 5 themes of geography-?

The five themes of geography are location (where something is), place (physical and human characteristics), human-environment interaction (how humans interact with their environment), movement (migration, trade, etc.), and region (areas with similar characteristics).

What are the five geographic principles?

Location - the position of a place on the Earth's surface. Region - an area with shared characteristics and boundaries. Human-environment interaction - the relationship between humans and their natural environment. Movement - the flow of people, goods, and ideas across the Earth. Place - the physical and human characteristics that make a location unique.

What are the five themes of geography and what do they consist of?

The five themes of geography are location (where a place is), place (physical and human characteristics), human-environment interaction (how people interact with their environment), movement (the flow of people, goods, and ideas), and region (areas with similar characteristics). These themes help geographers understand and analyze the world around us.

Is it reasonable to expect a totally unpolluted environment?

No, It is not reasonable and/or logic to expect a totally unpolluted environment. All human technologies are environment polluting. The aim should limiting environment pollution as far as reasonably possible. For example, how to limit emissions from vehicles and cars, ships and marine vehicles, and aircraft? how to limit emissions from fossil power plants? how to limit emissions from various industries?