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It affects society in every reason

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Q: What effects does bullying have on the society?
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Related questions

What is the scope of studying bullying?

Bullying is a part of sociology and society which are huge subjects.

What are the effects of cyber bullying?

Bad feelings.

What are some topics on bullying?

Types of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber). Effects of bullying on mental health. Strategies to prevent and address bullying. Role of parents, teachers, and peers in combating bullying.

What are the effects of bullying?

The effects of bullying can be very serious, even fatal. Depression and very low self esteem, in some cases can drive victims to suicide.

What are the long term effects of bullying?

research anti-bullying websites on the internet and come up with a list of 5-10 ways to prevent bullying

What are some affects of gay bullying?

The effects of Gay Bullying are the same as any bullying: fear, loss of self esteem and confidence, feeling isolated.

Is bullying in schools considered a social condition?

School bullying is a social problem that impacts all of society. It is certainly something social workers would want to get involved in. Bullying contributes to depression and suicide in teens and makes it harder for the victim and those distracted by the bullying to learn. School bullying is likely a symptom of things wrong with society as a whole such as intolerance, a hatred of individuality, and excessive commercialization of society.

What society does bullying exists in?

Cyber School Everything

Dimensions of health and development that bullying affects?

Bullying effects the mental health the most It can also effect the social health

What are some side effects of bullying?

Some of the side effects of bullying include; Depression Anxiety Death Low self esteem Suicide Self harm Below is a link to a youtube video about a young girl who was bullied because of her health

What are the effects of bullying a young child?

You could ruin that kids life.

What happens in bullying?

It depends. Some people can get physically hurt or emotionally hurt. Sometimes it can be both. There are many forms of bullying in society.