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Q: What does it mean if your straight but sexually attracted to girls?
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If you are emotionally and sexually attracted to girls what does it mean to be sexually attracted to guys also?

It means you could be bisexual.

When you kiss a girl does that mean you are gay?

No. You are only gay if you are a girl who is sexually attracted to other girls.

If a girls act like a boy does it mean shes a lesbian?

No. She is only a lesbian if she's sexually attracted to other girls.

What do you mean by the word phedophile?

Adults, usually men, who are sexually attracted to children, both boys and girls.

What straight mean sexually?

The term "straight" typically refers to a person who is heterosexual, meaning they are primarily attracted to individuals of the opposite gender in terms of sexual or romantic relationships.

I made out with a guy once does that mean im gay?

No, it does not mean you're gay. It might have been a mistake. You may be bisexual. But you have to ask yourself, are you attracted to girls or boys or even both? If you are attracted to girls, you are straight. If you are attracted to boys, you are gay. If you are attracted to boys and girls, you are bisexual. If you are gay or bisexual, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

What does go green with you mean?

sexually attracted

What does heterorsexual mean?

It means people are physically, sexually attracted to partners of the other gender, so boys like girls and girls like boys. People who are homosexual feel attracted to people of the same gender, bisexuals can and will feel attracted to people of both genders.

What does a pedophile mean?

A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to pre-pubertal children.

Is a girl gay if she takes showers with another girl?

Not that doesn't mean she gay. She is only gay if she's sexually attracted to other girls.

Why do lesbians not like men?

They are "lesbians" which mean they like/love girls. Lesbians often have male friends they are just not attracted to men sexually.

Does bottoming for a gay man mean your gay?

No, you need to be attracted to men sexually to be gay. Bottoming for a gay man, a straight man or a woman can mean you like to be penetrated anally or that you will do it for money.