Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accurately. This may involve the senses, muscular contractions and joint movements.
Everything that we participate in requires the ability to coordinate our limbs to achieve a successful outcome - from walking to the more complex movements of athletic events like the pole vault.
Eye- hand coordination is the same thing as hand- eye coordination. In simple terms, eye- hand coordination involves the coordinated vision and hand movements to execute a task.
•A professional environment in where interaction and coordination takes place.
Planning of sales through difference mean & coordination with different in-out house lobbies to increase the sales
The suffix "-ation" can denote coordination, as in the word "coordination."
It's the same: coordination
Yes, dogs have coordination
I have a question for you. Do you happen to live in Connecticut and go to a school called two rivers?
That the people dancing do so together so that their moves match one another.
coordination is the most important component
Multiagency Coordination System
Coordination means that you have control over the movements of your body. All sports require some coordinated movement, whether it involves moving a ball or moving your body.