Bullying can drive victims to desperate measures. Severe emotional bullying can lead victims to depression, cutting, and perhaps even suicide. Suicide victims feel that the bullying will never stop and life will never get better.
It's hurtful and sometimes causes people to commit suicide.
Secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there's a serial bully in the department. The pressure of trying to deal with a dysfunctional, divisive and aggressive serial bully causes everyone's behaviour to decline.
It can and in many cases it was, cyber-bullying is horrible, so is any form of bullying. So the Myspace website doesn't really cause suicide it's the people on it that causes suicides.
Bullies, same as physical.
That it's very wrong and needs to be stopped. Bullying has is one of main causes in teen suicides. >:(
It is called homophobic bullying or homophobia.
It is bullying by people in the same age group as you. It is basically the type of bullying that we have all come to know as just 'bullying'
some people cant help bullying after they have done it for so long =]
alot of people is getting hurt from bullying
People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others