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Cyber safe means to be safe on the internet or on chatting websites.

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Are the advertisements on this page safe to click on?

Yes. Unless they have been hijacked by cyber-criminals. Then, no.

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A cyber school can be eligible to anyone. If your children were to attend a cyber school they would not get any full accreditation that would be accepted by other school and colleges.

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If you text something mean (out of nowhere, not a response) to purposely hurt someone and make them feel bad, it's cyber bullying.

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Cyber Piracy means that someone illegaly copying cpyright music, videos etc of the internet.

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crime commited on, or by mean of, the computer.

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Telling someones secret .

How do you remove cyber security?

Scan your system in safe mode using a decent spyware remover, such as Spyware Doctor or SUPERAntiSpyware. You can also try doing it manually:

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What does cyber-bulling mean?

Cyber-Bullying is when someone/people bully someone/people by using the internet, texting, calling, or any thing that you can communicate through.

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It is Cyber Monday