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"dad" usually refers to an older partner in a same-sex relationship.

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Q: What does 'dad' mean in gay slang?
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the term "catfishing" is not gay slang. It's a slang term for internet predators, who create a false online profile in order to lure someone into a romantic relationship. The predator may be gay or straight, male or female.

Who does gay refer to?

It can either mean happy, or current slang means homosexual man.

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What does it mean to have 2 dads?

1).it means your dads are probably gay and you might be gay to follow in their footsteps 2). too or 1 dad is not there (your real dad not there) and the other dad is taking care of you

What does it mean when you get back in the closet?

"In the closet" is a slang term meaning that you are not letting anyone know you are gay.

When was Gay Dad created?

Gay Dad was created in 1994.

When did Gay Dad end?

Gay Dad ended in 2002.

What is the slang word for gay?

One common slang word for gay is "queer." It is important to note that the use of slang terms can be offensive to some individuals, so it's best to use respectful and inclusive language.

What does 5neth mean?

It's a textual arabic slang word, essentially meaning "gay" or "fa**ot".

What are some terms used by gay people?

There are no terms used only by gay people and not straight people. But if you're talking about gay slang, Here is a list of Gay Slang Terms.

What is British slang for gay?
