I heard that you can receive $4500.00 dollars for your car if it is a gross polluter and the cost is too expensive to repair. Is this true and if not what is the mininum and maximum amount allowed. I have a gross polluter it's a 1990 Volvo 240DL. I like to get it repaired but the cost might not be what I'm willing to pay. Questions: Where do you sell you gross polluter? How can I get mind fix? If you are in California you can go online and Google the "CAP program". Fill out the application and they will give you $500 toward the repairs if you qualify (based on income) or they will pay you $1000 to decommission the car. I just did this and I have been told that it is best to walk your application into the office between 8 and 2 and then call back in 3 hours for your response which will be faxed from Sacramento. You can then go back to the office and pick up your letter and this should expedite the receipt of the funds and appointment for dropping off the vehicle. Good luck =)
Gross Premium is the Total premium indicated to be charged.
A contaminant is anything that lessens the quality of a substance or makes it harmful. A pollutant refers to something that contaminates the environment, specifically.
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mostly Taiwan and the most air pollution is china
gross national product
A 1993 Lincoln Continental has a listed gross vehicle weight of 4130 pounds. The weight of the car is without any passengers or fluids in the car.
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apples rot man. gross.
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.
The Onion News Network - 2007 China Celebrates Its Status as World's Number One Air Polluter was released on: USA: 25 March 2008
Most jurisdictions work on the polluter pays basis. This means the polluters insurers take the hit first hen the polluter covers the rest.However, at times the pollution is historic, the polluter has gone out of business or has no money, or the pollution event requires immediate attention. For these situations the government steps in and does the work and attempts to reclaim the cost later.