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If this person is a friend or someone you can talk to, talk to them and explain why cyberbullying is wrong. Give them examples of people who have committed suicide over cyberbullying. Ask them how they would feel if someone treated them like that.

If they are not the kind of person you can talk to, tell an adult or a person in a position of responsibility. Tell them what you witnessed and what the other person did in detail. If you have any proof, like emails or facebook posts, show them to that person to give them facts about the situation.

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12y ago

i suggest telling a trusted adult and asking their opinion, they will generally know what to do.

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Q: What do you do if you know someone that is Cyber Bullying?
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How is bullying different than cuber bullying?

bullying is different than cyber bullying because cyber bullying is done on the computer and bullying is done in person. let me give u a tip: if u r getting bullied or u know someone who is tell an adult. someone who u trust. Ex: it could be your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, or teacher but let someone know they can help u.

To what extent is cyber bullying?

cyber bullying is basically just "bullying" someone by spreading rumours about them over the Internet, or chatting to them on-line and abusing them.

Should we allow cyberbullying?

No, we should not allow Cyber bullying because: Cyber bullying can lead to someone's death.

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It is easier than bullying someone face to face.

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School yard bullying happens at school or on playgrounds, in person. Cyber bullying is when someone sends you threatening or harassing emails or messages on the internet, or when they send mean or cruel emails/messages about you to others. It may be from someone you know, or it may be someone who just happened to see your name or email address some where.

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There aren't necessarily any ways you can "prevent" cyber bullying, but you can stop it when it happens. If you feel as though you or someone you know is being cyber bullied, you should report it to your parents, school administrators, and to the officials of the site on which you are being bullied.

Why was cyber bulling not fair?

Bullying is bullying, whether cyber or not. And bullying is NEVER nice.

Is texting something mean cyber bullying?

If you text something mean (out of nowhere, not a response) to purposely hurt someone and make them feel bad, it's cyber bullying.

Which websites help with cyber bullying?

Any anti-bullying website will help with cyber bullying.

Why is it important to discuss the cyber bullying with a trusted adult?

Cyber bullying is still bullying. It's important to talk to someone about it because no one deserves to be bullied nonetheless feel like they're alone and have no one to turn to.

Is how to what extent?

cyber bullying is basically just "bullying" someone by spreading rumours about them over the internet, or chatting to them on-line and abusing them.