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Q: What do you do if you get child abused?
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Was Shane dawson abused as a child?

I think Shane Dawson was physically abused as a child.

Does a child have to be abused?

No. Absolutely not. If you are a child and are being abused, there is help available for you. I feel for you in your situation, I was also abused as a child and I understand the pain. Please see the Related Links for some places to get help.

Was Wally West abused as a child?

As in, the Flash? No. No writer has ever written a story about Wally being abused as a child.

Who abused Adolf Adolph Hitler?

There is speculation that Hitler's father abused him as a child.

Was OJ Simpson sexually abused as a child or ever sexually abused in his life?


What is the book IT about?

The book IT is about an abused child.

How an abusive parent affect a child?

Data shows that a child who is abused will in turn become an abuser later in life. The life of an abused child is affected his/her entire life.

If a man is founded as a child abuser and your child is the one he abused but is not the father of the abused child but is of your unborn child does he have rights to the unborn baby?

A court would never award custody or visitation rights to a convicted child abuser.

What is The Child Called It book about?

It is about when Dave Pelzer, the author, is abused as a child.

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What will you do if you see child is being abused?

The police.

What does sexaual abuse mean?

To sexually abuse a child means that an adult uses a child for sexual stimulation. It involves presuring a child to take part in it. 90 precent of child sexual abused know the person who did it to them. Most of all sexually abused child will end up abusing their own children. 1 in 3 girls are abused before the age of 19. Also 1 in 5 boys are abused before the age of 19.