Kvetch_(Yiddish) or you could refer to them as a scrooge.
(: Hope I helped. :)
Kvetch_(Yiddish) or you could refer to them as a scrooge. (: Hope I helped. :)
A challenge and opportunity !
One choice would be "Pollyanna" from the book (and movie) of that name. She always looked on the bright side.
A person who habitually complains or grumbles.
It varies person to person, really.
To solve the problem you'd need to call plumber.
A bellyacher is a person who bellyaches, who whines and complains about something, usually to their own benefit.
A bemoaner is a person who bemoans - who moans or complains about something, or who is dismayed or worried about something.
no. if the visitor is breaking a law, call the police.
Crybaby refers to a person who excessively complains along with crying and whining.