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A revolutionary

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Q: What do you call a person that believes a nation's problems can be solved by rapid social change?
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A person who believes that gradual change represents progress and who feels that the government should play a role in addressing social problems would be considered?

Answer this question… a liberal.

What do you call a person who believes in science?

A person who believes in science is often referred to as a scientist or a rationalist.

What do you call a person who believes that war is wrong?

A person who believes that war is wrong is called a "pacifist".

What do you call a person who believes his dreams?

A person who believes in their dreams can be referred to as a dreamer or an idealist.

What is a pandeist?

A pandeist is a person who believes in a blend of pantheism and deism, or a person who believes in the truth of all religions.

Obama's leadership style?

Barack Obama "s style is all about bringing change in American politics.In short terms he thinks about change ,writes change ,teach change and is a person who believes in change and that when we work together we can bring change to our countries and our livesBarack Obama "s style is all about bringing change in American politics.In short terms he thinks about change ,writes change ,teach change and is a person who believes in change and that when we work together we can bring change to our countries and our livesOk

What is a person that believes in what they stand for?

a person of conviction.

What is the meaning of the quote He who rejects change is the architect of decay-Harold Wilson?

To me it means that the person who works against change is generally the person causing the problems the change is trying to fix.

Can you change a ladies man?

Is it possible? YES.Is it probable that it will occur? NO.One of the most common problems that leads to discord in a relationship is when one of the parties believes that he or she has the power to change the views, values, or behaviors of the other person. It rarely happens and the friction that the pushing and cajoling create is poisonous to the relationship. Take your partner as you find him or her, not as you wish him or her to be.

What do you call someone who believes that humans cannot change their destinies?

The belief/outlook is called Fatalism and the person would be called a "fatalist".

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Who is a person believes that the government should take a strong action to prevent unfair practices is a what?

Such a person is a sensible and considerate person, who believes in helping others.