Actually nothing. The explorer who find himself in America and thought he was in India, made that mistake.
Because Americans love other more successful Americans
Both are Okay i am from India i love India i love America too
"Indio" typically means "Indian" of either the Americas or from India. However, it is much more common to refer to Native Americans as "Indígenas".
What do Native Americans and Europeans have in common
"Preetha" is a name of Indian (Sanskrit) origin, meaning "filled with love" or "beloved." It is a common name given to girls in India and carries connotations of affection and endearment.
the native americans
India - A Love Story was created on 2009-01-19.
India - A Love Story ended on 2009-09-11.
Polio is most common in India and Africa.
I Love My India - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: India:U
why arent cobras common in India anymore