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Slavery still exists. There are 25 million men, women, and children that are slaves today. The people who own slaves see them as property and buy/sell them around the world. Many children are sex slaves and Isis even has published a handbook on slavery and how to enslave people. The people against slavery work at freeing people. Today there are some groups who raise money to buy people out of slavery.

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Q: What did people think about slavery?
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What year did slavery start for the Africans?

I do not think anyone knows, but there has always been slavery in every race of their own people from when people were able to gain power over others

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bcuz white people think they are better then everyone and needed people to work for them

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industrialization also i think that.... it was that

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Because slavery isn't a good thing its just so selfish that some people couldn't clean for them selves think about it would you want to be a slave?

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Albert Barnes believed that more people were coming to think that slavery was wrong due to the spread of education and knowledge, which helped to enlighten people on the moral principles that should guide human behavior. This, in turn, led to a greater recognition of the inherent injustice and immorality of slavery.

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I think it depends on where the Founding Father is from. Some are from the southern states where slavery is a main part of money. Some are from the North where people strongly oppose slavery since they are all people in a way. Most of them were against slavery; however, a couple were very vehement about keeping slavery in the Declaration of Independence.

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She believed that slavery was wrong and needed to be abolished

How do you think slave rebellion affected the institution of slavery?

many people ended up dead :(

Why was there ever slavery?

because some people think they are better than others normilly about race