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Q: What choices may prevent the individual from performing their duties or create a concern for personal safety or the safety of other?
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Personal values as you know the term personal its a individual thing so individual values as of my concern like for me rape a girl is unethical for me this is against my values i will never do that in any case... so values are the things which individual makes according to his mental abilities... like to smoke and drink is not against my value system and for you it may be.. this is what it is called as personal values...

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What is social concern?

Social concern is when an individual or group is worried about a certain aspect of society. For example, parents may have social concern that violence in the media might influence their children.

Family butting into your personal life right or wrong?

When family butts into your personal life, sometimes their motives are out of their concern for what is best for you. But if it is because they want to "control" you, and make choices that are not really good for YOU, you have to decide whether to "heed their advice", or not. And depending on how insistent they are, possibly even confronting them about the real issue- that they can have control over their own life, but not YOURS!

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single ownership or sole trading concern is run by an individual who enjoys the all profit and bears the all losses

Where are some places one can go to find nanny jobs abroad?

Nanny jobs abroad can be found through agencies or individual advertising. Dealing with individuals can be cause for concern as far as personal safety. It is recommended that agencies be used.