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Most of the time kids who are differenmt are picked on. There is nothing wrong with being different. The bullies are usually just insecure about themselves and pick on others to feel better about themselves.

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14y ago

There are a lot of causes of bullying

1.The bully might be jealous if that person is pretty or popular

2.themselves has been bulied by someone else

3.they don't know if bullying is ok

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Q: What causes bullying and being picked on at school?
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How to stop bullying?

To stop bullying at school you should go and tell the priciple or a teacher you trust. And you should ALWAYS tell your parents if you are being bullied.

What part of speech is the word bullying?

Bullying can be used as a noun or a verb. A noun can name a person, place, thing or idea. In the sentence, "She is bullying me", the word bullying is used as a verb. In the sentence "Bullying is not tolerated", the word Bullying is being used as a noun.

What happens to nerds?

Usually nerds get picked on by bullys..ITS NOT COOL TO BE A BULLY. But kids these days think its the opposite. They think being the bully IS COOL. NO! Stop bullying! ANY KIND OF BULLYING!! IT AINT COO YO! -Glad to answer your question c:

Do you let your parent solve your bullying?

letting your parents solve your bullying is never a good idea, go to the principal, or a teacher when in school,or the police outside of school. - - - BUT ALWAYS LET YOUR PARENTS KNOW THAT YOU ARE BEING BULLIED!

Why doesn't bullying happen in school?

It could be that strict school policies and the advent of the Internet has displaced the bullying. They might bully at home or in the neighborhood, or they choose to cyberbully instead. Oh, some schools try to dictate your behavior while at home too, but anyone can take steps to reduce the chances of getting caught. So it is a matter of it being too costly to bully at school to make bullying in other places more attractive. Other factors as to why you might not see bullying is that maybe the bullying at school is more covert. Or maybe the school had a recent bullying-related tragedy or an effective anti-bullying program.

What is LGBT-bullying?

LGBT bullying can be verbal, physical, online, and/or psychological harassment of a person who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) or someone who is perceived as LGBT. LGBT bullying is more common in schools but can also happen in the community or workplace.LGBT bullying is a major concern for schools as young people are picked on for just about anything: being too smart, being too tall, etc. Being called "gay" is detrimental to someone who may already be insecure about their identity, depressed, or has extreme feelings of isolation.Levels of bullying can be everything from someone calling another person 'gay' (or other epithets) to physical harassment. These factors, coupled with isolation, loneliness, and a feeling of helplessness, can lead to the harassed person to run away, skip school, drop out of school, and (as a last resort) suicide.

Who would you go to help with stop bullying in school?

You go to a responsible Adult and tell them how you are being bullied.

What can 12 year old students do to stop bullying at their school?

They can get a group of three or four friends who will speak up whenever there is bullying. They can say things like:That's bullying and it's against school rules!Don't be a bully!Yes, anyone can use these things. They are for everyone!Everyone is allowed to be here!Don't let the teacher tell you there's no bullying.Make sure the school knows what is happening.Get evidence, even a video on a phone can prove that bullying is going on.You can also be friends so that the person who is being bullied is never alone.You can ask the teacher why there is bullying at the school.You can get your parents to ask the school what is the policy on bullying.When the school tells you there is no bullying, prove to the teachers and the principal that people are being bullied.

Who do i tell if I'm being cyber bullied?

Normally, schools have boards set up for bullying and cyber-bullying, tell an adult and then go to your school counsellor, they most likely can help you. Also report it to the site where the bullying is occurring.

How do people deal with being picked on like almost everyday of the school year?


How is it possible to get certain teenage girls to quit being cruel to a fellow classmate with autism?

If someone is bullying an Autistic classmate then they should be reported to the school. The school should have methods in place to stop bullying and protect the victim of bullying. If you are the parent of the Autistic child you should also inform the bullies parents and demand they take action.