

What caused polloution?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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14y ago

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People thinking that if they don't see their waist, it goes away.

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Q: What caused polloution?
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Well really it doesnt.... nuclear is a main factor in pollution

What is the worst type of polloution?

Nuclear fall-out. It can take centuries for radiation to dissipate to a safe level.

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The social environment can be damaged by discrimination, inequality, violence, and lack of social cohesion. The physical environment can be damaged by pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and climate change, leading to negative impacts on ecosystems and human health.

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Because Car too much, cost too much electric

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Dangers faced by fishes in the river?

They must face predators, oil slicks and pollution which can lead to instant death or death by killing the things they eat. They also will face man made materials that may entangle them.

Why should you stop land pollution?

to stop land polloution we should not use cars alot put filleters to the factores do not cut trees and we should plant trees and we should take care Of water and dont use electricety so much

Does uranium cause any polloution to the world?

health pollution. Its a health hazard, permanently mutating and killing every living thing in its path Uranium is toxic and radioactive but is ridiculous to exagerate (no mutations, no killings, etc.). It is necessary to work correctly and to respect some very severe standards and controls.