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Bullies cause bullying because they might see other bullies bullying someone else so they start to be so brave and strong and all that bladdy blah business

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Q: What cause bullies to bullied on other people?
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Why do bullies feel like they need to bully other people so they can be called popular?

buulies feel like they need to prove to the popular people that they are cool and they are popular cause they bullied someone

What is one thing you can do to help other kids To not be bullied?

Put up posters that say no more bullies

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Bullies are Plain Mean and they are to bored with their own lame lives so they pick on other people!!!

Why do people bully other?

because they have been bullied before and they wanna take it out on other and cause they wanna feel better

Who should the kids ask for help when they are being bullied?

people who ask for help when they are being bullied are doing the right thing because if you are being bullied you may do something yourself about it but it wouldn't be right cause they will carry on and its nice to let other people deal with it. if you tell other people about it then they will help you get through it and they can sort it out.

Should you feel hate yourself for being bullied?

Absolutely not. People bully you because they have nothing better to do or because they see you as a target/"weak link". Usually, bullies have family or other types of issues. To fill this void, they bully people. Sometimes bullying gives people a sense of "fulfillment". Please, do not hate yourself for being bullied.

What are the purposes of bullies?

They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge. Some bullies do it to get attention or things, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves.

Are some people bullies because they feel bad about themselves?

Yes, it is true that some are bullies because they feel bad about themselves. It is not all bullies since some have unwarranted positive feelings about themselves. Both self-hate and excessive pride can be causes. Anyway, some bullies are bullied or abused themselves. Some want attention but don't know of any worthwhile means to get it, so if they can't gain fame, then they figure they will settle for infamy. Some just want to be respected, but since they can't figure out how to get respect, they will settle for fear.

How many kids are bullied each year in Australia?

It's probably relative to the number of kids standing up to bullies elsewhere in similar cultures (or even different cultures). There will always be bullies, and hopefully, there will always be a few kids that stand up to them.

Is being bullied fun?

No, it is not fun to be bullied.

What do cyber bullies mainly use to bully other people?

Cyber bullies use text messages or the world wide web to send hurtful messages to others or hurtful posts, e.i pictures, quotes, videos, etc. If you are being cyber bullied, print out everything! Save the evidence! Show someone and get help. You're not alone. Always remember that! <3

Why are bullies very mean?

Bullies are very mean because many know that being mean and aggressive can sometimes get you your way more than being nice will. People give into the bully not wanting them to get even meaner and to calm them for the time being. When bullies see they get what they want this way, the behavior usually continues. Other bullies are mean because they are taking out their aggression on others; they may be in a position of being bullied, so to bring themselves up, they do the same to another and sometimes feel better in self esteem, attitude, strength, and so on.