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It is illegal to record someone without their permission, so allegations can be made against the employer in a legal court and if witnesses can stand forward then the judicial system will take it from there, but other than that nothing can be done against the employer. As for the claim, it is illegal for a claim to be used as a reason for firing a person, and legal action can be taken if the employer does.

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Q: What can you do if your Employer bullies you to not file a comp claim?
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What can you do if an employer fails to file a claim on workman's comp?

Contact the state you live in workmans comp office and file a complaint.

Who pays you if you get hurt on the job in PA?

Your employer's workers comp. You have to file a claim.

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You can file for about anything but your claim may be rejected. The employer should have some idea, otherwise, all you can do is file and find out.

Does your California full time employer have to pay your wages while you are off for an on the job injury?

you must file a workers comp. claim

Can you sue your employer if they fail to file a worker's comp claim even though you reported the injury?

Possibly. Contact an attorney who specializes in WC.

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Can my job fire me if I file a workers comp. claim?

no they cannot

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Claim it and see what happens.

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How long do you have to file a work comp claim?

within 30 days of the injury

Does your employer have to file for workmens comp after they tell you to take time off because they dont have work for you?

Workers comp is a benefit associated with workplace inuries, not with lack of work. Employers never file for WC, injured employees do.

If you were terminated for not being able do your job after a work accident can you collect unemployment even though you got a workmens comp settlement?

In New York you can not collect both at the same time. If you can prove, which would be hard without physical evidence, that you were fired due to the injury you can sue the employer. But if you are collecting comp you can file a claim for unemployment but I would wait until the comp is up.