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Q: What can be done about censorship?
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Is there a no censorship code for the sims2 on PS2?

I don't remember it offhand, but have you checked or done a google search?

What does censorship in the Army mean?

Censorship in the Army means essentially the same as anywhere else. Its reason or purpose may be much different.Generally the restriction of information is done for a need to know or security purpose. And those are for obvious reasons.

What is television censorship?

what is a tv censorship

When did censorship begin in Houston Tx?

Censorship is against the Bill of Rights freedom of expression. If there is any censorship that is illegal, so your answer to the question is that there isn't any censorship.

How does the first amendment apply to censorship?

It does not directly address censorship. However, the 1st Amendment's prohibition on restrictions of freedom of speech and press indirectly restrict attempts at censorship. Thus, indirectly, the US Constitution prohibits censorship except in the case where it can be shown to directly support other competing Consitutional guarranties - such as the National Security exception, where the right of national self-defense is seen to trump free press/speech in certain circumstances, and thus, allow censorship in those cases.

What forms did censorship take in Australia?

what form did the censorship take

When was Office of Censorship created?

Office of Censorship was created in 1941.

When did Office of Censorship end?

Office of Censorship ended in 1945.

When was Index on Censorship created?

Index on Censorship was created in 1972.

What is a sentence with censorship in it?

Censorship is getting out of hand.The censorship of the television was a bit far-fetched.Censorship exists to protect people from harmful content.

When was No More Censorship created?

No More Censorship was created in 1988-08.

What happend in 1835 about censorship?

your mom was born that is what happened in 1835 with censorship!