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Q: What body of water has lost much of its red coral because of overfishing?
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A body of water encircled by a coral reef?

A body of water that is encircled by a coral reef is called a lagoon. A lagoon is usually shallow and is separated from the ocean by coral reefs, barrier islands, or sandbars.

What body of water surrounds the Great Barrier Reef?

The body of water that surrounds the Great Barrier Reef is the Coral Sea.

Is an ocean a landform?

it is because it's not under water. so that technically means a beach is part of land. :)

What Body of Water lies Northeast of Australia and West of the Solomon Islands?

coral sea

Is the coral sea the same body of water as the Atlantic ocean?


What body of water is the coral reef conected to?

The pacific ocean....

What An island made up of coral that surrounds a body of water is known an?


How are coral reefs being destroyed?

coral reefs are being destroyed by a number of things, including ; global warming, over fishing and pollution. while there may be many more these are the main ones. Another way coral reefs are being destroyed is that people are look for the the fish living inside the coral reef so they use crowbars to pry open the the coral

What is the shallow body of water separated from the sea by coral reefs or sandbars called?


What is the meaning of laguna?

The meaning of Laguna is a body of water that is cut off from a larger body of water by a reef or a coral of some sort.Can sometimes be considered a bay,inlet or shallow body of water.

What body of water is the coral reef?

If you're refering to the Great Coral Reef, located just soath of Australia, it would be in the Indian Ocean. Your face!

Why should it be every body's concern to preserve the coral reefs and the habitats of other animals?

because without coral reefs the fishes in the sea were no