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Q: What authorities and others are doing to combat peer pressure?
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What is posite peer pressure?

Positive peer pressure is pressure from others to do the right thing and not give in to doing the wrong thing. Which means being a good friend or person etc.

What is indirect pressure?

when you hear and see what others are doing and you feel the need to do the same to be counted in as part of the group.

Why do people pressure others?

People pressure others to A. Make themselves feel good B. To make the other person do better C. To make the other person fail at whatever they were doing

Was the Spanish American War a proxy war?

No, both belligerents were actively engaged in combat. A proxy war involves others doing the fighting and keeping your own troops out of the fray.

Why some health authorities might say yes to doing theMRI scan on everyone over 40 while others say no?

i dont no xx google it brav why u asking me xx

Why do people pressure?

People pressure others to A. Make themselves feel good B. To make the other person do better C. To make the other person fail at whatever they were doing

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They are currently training for combat and they are recruiting people. The combat they are training for is combat against all non-Russians in Russia.

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Call the authorities if that person is doing illegal activities towards you.

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No. No government in the world is doing enough to stop it.

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Close combat but it also depends on the level and the Pokemon doing it.

Is bullying peer pressure?

Answer I think it would be a situation where a person is bullied into doing something they do not want to do by friends or others of the same age group.

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Well, there are no vehicles in combat arms, but you can fly, but that is a glitch and you will most likely get kicked, so I suggest not doing it.