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The CFC's molecules are ODS. They react with ozone to deplete it. The Chlorine and Fluorine are main atoms.

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Q: What atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere?
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Which atoms in the cfc molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecuels in the upper atmosphere?

Chlorine atoms in CFC molecules can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere when they are released due to UV light breaking down the CFC molecules. These chlorine atoms react with ozone molecules, causing them to break apart and reduce the ozone concentration in the atmosphere.

Which atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozine molecules in the upper atmosphere?

Chlorine atoms in CFC molecules can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere. When CFCs break down in the stratosphere due to UV radiation, the chlorine atoms released can catalyze the breakdown of ozone molecules, leading to ozone depletion.

Which atoms in the CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules in upper atmosphere?

The CFC molecules are man made chemicals for refrigeration. The molecules on reaction release 2 gases. These gases are Chlorine and Fluorine.

How long can one molecule of chlorine destroy the ozone when released into the atmosphere?

A chlorine molecule is very fatal to the ozone molecules. A single chlorine atom can destroy 100,000 moelcules of ozone.

Which molecules damages the ozone layer what is its size?

The molecules that destroy ozone at CFC's. Chlorine molecule are the ones.

How many ozone layers are distroyed by cfc molecule?

A CFC molecule is very harmful. It can destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone.

How do chlorofluorocarbon destroy ozone molecules?

CFC's reach atmosphere by westerly's. They deplete ozone in presence of PSC's.

Can CFC creates ozone layer?

No CFC's cannot create the ozone and ozone layer. They can only destroy ozone molecules in the atmosphere.

Name facts about the ozone layer?

Ozone layer is created and depleted both by UV. A CFC molecule can destroy up to 100,000 molecules of ozone.

Can humans destroy the atmosphere?

Human activities can have significant negative impacts on the atmosphere, such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. While humans have the ability to degrade the quality of the atmosphere, it is unlikely that we can completely destroy it. However, it is essential to take action to mitigate harmful effects to ensure a sustainable future.

Why does CFC react to ozone?

Chlorine and bromine separate from the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and destroy the ozone molecules. The chlorine and bromine atoms are not changed, so they continue destroying ozone. One chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 molecules of ozone during its lifetime in the atmosphere.

How many chloro fluro carbons are needed to affect the ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons are the ones that deplete ozone. One CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone.