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When people breath or when trees are cut down

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Q: What are two ways that carbon is released in the air?
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What are the two ways in which carbon dioxide is added to the?

Respiration by animals is one of the ways through which carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere. The other way is through burning fuels that are carbon-based.

What is the product of humans?

Oxygen is extracted, by the lungs, from the air taken in, and carbon dioxide is released from them. So, there are really two products - oxygen and carbon dioxide.

In what two main ways does deforestation alter atmospheric carbon?

Rotting timber adds either methane or carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.The missing trees no longer remove carbon from the air through photosynthesis.

What are two sources of carbon dioxide in air?

Carbon dioxide is the waste product of the process of respiration in plants and animals and it is also released into the atmosphere by active volcanoes.The burning of coal and wood

What two gases are exchanged across the lining of a frog's mouth?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the lining of a frog's mouth. Oxygen is absorbed from the air into the blood vessels, while carbon dioxide is released into the air from the blood vessels.

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How are coffee and air chemicals alike?

Got this from wikianswers..hope it helps:) Coffee and air are mixed, but the coffee is heterogeneous, and the air is uniform and both have many substances in their chemical composition, the two have water, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, but in different molecular ways.

What are two non metals found in air?

oxygen and carbon

Pulmonary ventalation has two parts what are they?

Pulmonary ventilation consists of inspiration, where air is taken into the lungs, and expiration, where air is released from the lungs. These two parts work together to ensure a continuous exchange of gases in the lungs, facilitating the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

In what two ways can air into your body?

by the nose and mouth

Name at least two ways that animals can help plants?

carbon dioxide

What are two ways of using fossils to date organisms?

superposition and carbon dating