Income and Non-Income Poverty.
Poverty and obesity
sexual and asexual
Two common methods are the Wohlwill process and the Miller process.
Distillation and reverse osmosis
What are the two main methods of primary data collection processes
No, a program may not work with two main methods. If we preferred with working with many packages means then each package may consist of a main method.
plug and play manual
There are two main methods. They are sexual and asexual reproduction.
In "A Horse and Two Goats" by R.K. Narayan, the main character Muni has been stricken by poverty by a plague and only owns two goats. He is eager to take the American's money for what he believes to be his two goats, even though he cannot understand what the American is asking for.
Statistics as a science can be divided into two main classes, namely, statistical methods and applied statistics.