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There are a plethra of things that Blacks and whites could not do together. The problems in this matter was primarily "South of the mason dixon line". Just to list a few are: eat, drink, sleep, live, talk, wed, look at each other, blacks could not contradict whites. And the list just goes on, I did not even touch the tip of the iceberg on this subject.

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They could not share cafes

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Q: What are things blacks and whites could not do or share?
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In civil right movement why did da whites didnt want to give the rights to blacks?

To relinquish or to share rights with a group of people you deem inferior to you diminishes your power. This was the thought of racist whites. We have to realize that slavery and white domination lasted for many CENTURIES. So, after many centuries of the "inherent superiority" mentality, of course, it wasn't an easy task for whites to give up or share power.

Has the integration process been successful?

The integration process has been successful from a legal standpoint. Blacks and whites share every public area freely, but unfortunately there does remain some racist individuals and groups.

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he invented a reading and writting system so his people could share the power of whites and keep their independence.

How were black people treated in apartheid?

The blacks were treated very badly. They had to stay in a whole other community than the whites. The blacks had to stay in home lands and the home lands were really bad. The blacks had to share every thing they had with the other blacks in the home lands. If the blacks worked for a white the black had to go miles to get to the white and the black had to have like a passport thing to go to the whites house.

Does fair mean everyone has an equal share?

No because lets say some countries there are some beggers it is fair enough they get to live in that country but it is not equal that rich people have mansions, cars,body gaurds e.t.c.those on the streets will find this unequal. Another example the time period when black and whites were separate blacks would at least have schools,houses,offices e.t.c but whites would have everything blacks had but better. that was very unequal. But mostly there should not be rich and poor

What do you call a person who share his or her things?

You could call them generous or a recipient or a patron.

How the did whites treat the blacks?

They looked down upon them. They supported the Apartheid.