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Well, they can,

Decompose - Bury paper, cardboard, and food in the ground, so that it doesn't produce harmful methane gas in the atmosphere.

Carpool - This protects from to much CO2 in the air, which is why it gets hot in the summer.

Use solar, Hydro, or Wind energy to get electricity.

Overall, just pay attention to what you are doing. If it seems pollutional, don't do it.

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11y ago

by afforestation,reduction of vehicular pollution and industrial pollution ,not wasting paper,finding alternative sources of energy which are less polluting

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9y ago

Keep our vehicles running properly and emission free.

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Q: What are the things that people can do to protect your environment from pollution?
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to help the environment i would do a lot of things like kepping up the crash and litter stuff and also not ride a car. car is a major factor in pollution which is a big issue right now in earth. people can also volunteer to environment helping jobs.

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A project on pollution can include the different levels of pollution and their effects on the environment. Also, things that can be done to reduce pollution can be part of the project.

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Things like litter, pollutants, invasive species, and non-biodegradable materials do not belong in the environment as they can harm ecosystems and disrupt natural balance. Proper disposal and management of these items are important to protect our environment and biodiversity.

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What is environment awareness?

to be aware of the things that you can do to help protect your environment from harmful elements.

What does the environment give us?

the environment gives us fresh air and other natural things but we spoil it by making pollution

How long is pollution going to be in your air?

Pollution is going to end when all people in the world stop smoking and using cars and all of the gassy things. Pollution's definition is an undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with horrible substances as a consequence of human activities. Pollution is very bad for our environment. In china pollution began. So to answer the question about how long will pollution be in the air... it will problably forever unless we all come together as one to STOP POLLUTION ONCE AND FOR ALL!

How have people contributed to pollution?

well people have breathed carbon dioxide or c20 which there is a lot of and our cars pollute the air. plus a lot of the other things poison our environment that are made by man

Does human activity make a negative impacts on the environment?

Pollution is just one example of how humans negatively impact the environment. Pollution can be caused by various things like burning fossil fuels.