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Q: What are the relationship between social problem and social policy?
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What is the relationship between social policy and social problem?

Social policy is the government's response to social problems. Social problems are issues affecting a large segment of society, such as poverty or homelessness, that require intervention through policies like welfare programs or affordable housing initiatives. Effective social policies can help address social problems by providing support, resources, and solutions to those in need.

What the relationship between social policy and social development?

Social policies are guidelines, principles, legislation and activities that affect living conditions and human welfare. This has helped benefit social development by having these guidelines to live and grow by.

What is pshysocial problem?

Psychosocial refers to one's pshycosocial development in and interaction with a social environment. The individual is not necessarily fully aware of this relationship with his or her environment.of or pertaining to the interaction between social and psychological factors.

Explain the relationship between private problems public issues and social policy and explain why policy formation was necessaryin the social policy and care provision?

A public issue for example is a child who is being abused, this a a private problem for the child and the family. It becomes a public issue when media gets a hold of it, and broadcasts it. The abuser may be in your community in which the public will be disgusted in. So the public are in danger, so then the government take action to please the public. The government known as socila policy, who then inforce legislation and policys in which societ must follow. For example any peadophiles living in an area where children stay, parents are made aware off. Social Policy

What is the relationship between social policy and geography?

Social policy is influenced by geography as the distribution of resources, population, and infrastructure can vary by region, leading to different social needs and challenges. Geography can determine where social policies are implemented and how effective they are in addressing specific issues such as poverty, health care access, or education. Additionally, geographical factors like urban-rural divides or natural disasters can shape social policies and their outcomes.

What is the relationship between women movements and social movements?

The women's movement is a social movement.

What is the relationship between all factors?

the relationship between mental illness and biological processes, conditioning, gender and social factors.

Difference between love and social relationship?

Your level of committment

What is the meaning of the in the Relationship Map?

the net that having a social relationship between people live in a society

What is the difference between a social drinker and a problem drinker?

Social drinking doesn't cause problems whereas problem drinking does.

What are manifestation of social change?

Abolition of untouchability, gradual eradication of apartheid policy, living together relationship etc. are manifestations of social change, that have taken place over the decades in the social strata.

Which best explains the social contract?

The relationship between people and their government