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Q: What are the other names for transgender?
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Related questions

Can a transgender person be a actor?

Yes they can. Being transgender is a matter of identity, and not of skill - there is nothing to stop a transgender person from being as successful in acting as any other person.

What is some information about transgender females?

ANSWER: Actually there is plenty of info for a transgender female, other wise known as FTM, on the Internet. See the discussion for links.

Is it okay to be a lesbian if you are a transgender woman?

Of course it is okay to be a lesbian if you are a transgender woman - being transgender doesn't dictate your sexuality, that is something separate. Your sexuality is not something you can control or that other people can control, if you are a woman and attracted to other women you're likely a lesbian.

Is the word transgender a noun or adjective?

Transgender is an adjective.

What is the Russian word for transgender?

Transgender = Трансгендерность (Transgendernost')

Is transgender real?

Yes, transgender is real. There are both transgender women and transgender men. People who feel that their gender assignment of birth is at odds with who they are do exist.

When was Transgender Warrior created?

Transgender Warrior was created in 2003.

Do transgender people exist?

Yes, transgender people exist.

Is kate snow's husband also transgender?

Neither are transgender.

How transgender are made?

Transgender people are not made. It is something you will be born with.

How do you spot a transgender husband?

If he tells you he's transgender, you've spotted him.

Is it possible that a girl can be transgender?

Yes. Any sex can be transgender.