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They are spending a lot annually to secure the land borders; especially the US-Mexican border line.

At the embassies/consulates abroad are biometric meaning that they take the finger prints of all ten fingers of each person- whether or not they agree to issue a visa. If a visa is issued, once the person arrives in the US, they have to be fingerprinted once more and have their photograph taken by the passport control officer.

The US Customs and Border Protection also takes fingerprints of nationals of countries participating in the US Visa Waiver Program (e.g. the UK, France, Australia, Germany, Japan and etc.) when they arrive at any point of entry.

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15y ago

Nothing because the government is scared that if they send back illegal immigrants then big bisinesses that use illegal laborers will stop paying taxes which will dramtically affect the economy. So for now they are trying to increase patrol around the boreder until the new administrator can figure out a more effective plan.

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11y ago

Immigration is very specific depending upon the country and whether or not the recipient country of immigration has strict guidelines compared to others. Each government has specifications for immigration which is available in various legal documents and publications.

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15y ago

To prevent Mexicans Jumping the Border by using dog collars

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Q: What are the measures taken by the us government to prevent illegal immigrants?
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