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low economic status conduct to malnutrition, low weigh and heigh, poor health

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Q: What are the major effects of genetics health nutrition public policy environment and economics on child development?
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What are the factors that influence growth and development in humans?

Factors that influence growth and development in humans include genetics, nutrition, environment, socio-economic status, access to healthcare, and quality of education. Genetic factors determine a person's potential height and build, while nutrition, healthcare, and environmental factors can affect physical and cognitive development. Socio-economic status and education also play a significant role in shaping opportunities and resources available for overall growth and development.

What statement describing Adele belief about personality development is false?

Adele believes that personality development is solely determined by genetics, without any influence from environment or experiences. This statement is false because personality development is influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and life experiences.

Human bone size and structure are a result of the environment and?

No, human bone size and structure are primarily determined by genetics. However, environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise, and overall health can influence bone health and development.

Factors affecting mental development of the child?

Factors affecting mental development in children include genetics, environment, nutrition, social interactions, and exposure to stress or trauma. Positive stimulation, such as engaging activities and educational opportunities, can enhance cognitive development, while neglect, abuse, or lack of supportive relationships can hinder it. Early intervention and a nurturing environment are crucial for optimal mental development in children.

Why female child mature two years ahead than the male child?

This is a generalization and may not apply to all individuals. In some cases, females may mature earlier than males due to differences in hormones and genetics. However, the rate of development can vary widely among individuals, and factors such as nutrition, environment, and genetics all play a role in growth and development.

What are the influencing of motor development?

Motor development can be influenced by factors such as genetics, environment, physical activity levels, nutrition, and opportunities for play and movement. Early experiences, such as exposure to crawling, walking, and other motor activities, can also play a significant role in shaping motor development. Additionally, any physical or neurological conditions can impact motor development as well.

What are physical factors that affect development?

Genetics, Environment (Physical and Emotional), Random Factors of chance (disease)

How many percent does environment on child's development?

This is not known in science, and it would be highly impractical, if not impossible, to put a number on something like that. However, both genetics and environment have a major impact on development

What are the process influence personality development?

The processes that influence personality development include genetics, environment, upbringing, and life experiences. Genetics play a role in determining certain traits, while environment, upbringing, and experiences shape how these traits are expressed. Additionally, social interactions, culture, and societal norms can also influence personality development.

What are the factors that affects human and development?

malnutrition, problems in the human body, abuse can also affect the development of a human. considering that human growth and development is not measurable only in terms of physical changes, but in several aspects as well, it would be hard to enumerate all possible factors. Still, there is the concept of "Nature and Nurture", by which genetics plays a role/is a factor to human growth and development, and on the other side, there is the environment to consider; nutrition, pollution, society, etc. Nutrition is one of the factors that affect growth and development. Habitat, and exercise also have an impact on growth and development.

What are the human factors that affect growth and development?

malnutrition, problems in the human body, abuse can also affect the development of a human. considering that human growth and development is not measurable only in terms of physical changes, but in several aspects as well, it would be hard to enumerate all possible factors. Still, there is the concept of "Nature and Nurture", by which genetics plays a role/is a factor to human growth and development, and on the other side, there is the environment to consider; nutrition, pollution, society, etc. Nutrition is one of the factors that affect growth and development. Habitat, and exercise also have an impact on growth and development.

Which research study focuses on the interaction between the environment and genetics in the development of psychological disorders?

Genetic linkage analysis