A dirty, unhygienic cluster of impoverished shanties with long lines of people crowding around a solitary municipal water tap, Bowling babies literally left on street corners to fend for themselves and endless cries and found voices emanating from various corners.
Most of them are engaged in eking out their daily lives always below the poverty line, by working as construction laborers, domestic helps, rag picker sand chhotus in neighborhood dhabas. In spite of poor conditions in slums, second generation residents who are not nostalgic about their rural background - feel that life in slum is reasonably tolerable and city life is probably better than rural life.
There are different levels of poverty. There is homelessness, in which the people have no money, home or belongings. There are also levels of poverty in which families are living paycheck to paycheck and backed up on several bills, in specific, utilities. They may not be able to afford food, heat or light for their home and kids, because their entire income goes towards paying the mortgage or rent and very little is available for other bills.
They live there because they cannot afford to live elsewhere, or because social divisions keep them from being able to move somewhere nicer.
there are aproximately 150000 people living in poverty in haiti.
France, they had one of the largest populations in Europe.
The living conditions in Haiti are different than the UK. In the large cities there are millions of people living in slums and substandard housing. there are some wealthy people living in haiti who have properly built houses, but the majority asre lining in poverty. haiti is the the poorest counrty in the western hemisphere and overall the living conditions are rather poor.
There are people living in poverty in all countries of the world.
Yes, there are poor people living in poverty in the UK.
25% by wikipedia source
Yes, poverty still exists around the world with billions of people still living in poverty.
1 in a billion
People emigrated from their homes for reasons such as seeking economic opportunities, escaping persecution or discrimination, and looking for better living conditions or political freedom.