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harmful affects of lead are that it causes headache ,cancer and in

last brain damage

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Q: What are the harmful effects of lead compounds?
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What are the harmful effects of lead?

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Lead compounds were previously added to petrol as an octane booster to improve engine performance. However, lead is highly toxic and can cause serious health issues, especially in children, such as developmental delays, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Due to these health risks, lead compounds have been phased out in most countries.

What is a lead ions?

Lead ions refer to the positively charged forms of lead, typically found in chemical compounds or solutions. These ions can be toxic to living organisms and the environment, and are a concern for public health due to their potential harmful effects. Lead ions can accumulate in the body over time, leading to various health issues.

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What element is used in paints until harmful side effects were discovered?

Lead was commonly used in paints until harmful side effects, such as lead poisoning, were discovered. Lead poisoning can cause serious health issues, especially in young children and pregnant women. As a result, lead has been banned from use in paints in many countries.

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Carcinogens, by definition, create cancers, which often lead to death.

What are the harmful effects of some materials?

Materials like lead, asbestos, and mercury can have harmful health effects when ingested or inhaled. Lead exposure can cause developmental issues, asbestos exposure can lead to lung diseases, and mercury exposure can affect the nervous system. It is important to handle these materials with care and follow safety guidelines when dealing with them.

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There could be many harmful effects of cell phones, we just don't know for sure of any right now. Some say it can lead to cancer and everything, but for me I'm not so sure.

Why is rust in teapots dangerous?

Rust in teapots can be dangerous because it can contain harmful compounds that may leach into the tea, contaminating it. Ingesting these compounds can be harmful to health, causing toxicity or other adverse effects. It is important to avoid using rusty teapots to ensure food safety.