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ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide

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Q: What are the five major air pollutants regulate by the EPA according to the Clean Air Act?
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What is the major air pollutant found in coal?

The major air pollutants found in coal are carbon dioxide and methane.

What are the components of clean air?

Clean air typically consists of oxygen, nitrogen, and traces of other gases like carbon dioxide and argon. Pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds are absent or present in very low concentrations in clean air. The absence of harmful pollutants and the presence of natural gases in their normal proportions contribute to the overall cleanliness of the air.

Pollutants such as ozone or smog are pollutants?

Ozone present in the troposphere is also called as bad ozone. It is also a green house gas. It is the major constituent of the urban smog.

List the major types of water pollutants suggest ways to reduce the level of each type of pollutant in a water supply?

Some of the major types of water pollutants are chemical pollution, nutrient pollution, and microbial pollution. Ways to reduce microbiological pollution are by having facilities to clean the water. To reduce nutrient pollution stop using fertilizers and to reduce chemical pollution monitor companies more closely to stop them from dumping chemicals into the water.

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What are the major industrial pollutants from the steel industry?

In its steel industry sulfur emissions and CO2 Exhalant of metallurgy are polluting.

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Ozone and smog are pollutants?

Ozone layer present in troposphere is known as bad ozone. It is a pollutant and is a major constituent of urabn smog.

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The major role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is to regulate calcium levels in muscle cells. It stores and releases calcium ions during muscle contraction and relaxation, playing a crucial role in muscle function.

What is the role of plants and trees in keeping the environment clean?

Plants and trees play a crucial role in keeping the environment clean by absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and releasing oxygen, which helps to purify the air we breathe. They also absorb pollutants from the air and soil, acting as natural filters. Additionally, plants help to prevent soil erosion and provide habitats for various species, contributing to overall ecosystem health.