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There are two maor factors in an ecosystem. One is Abiotic which is the non-living, ex. Sunlight, grass, etc. Then there is the Biotic which are the living ones, ex. Predators, Producers, etc.

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Q: What are the factors of an ecosystem?
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What are the biotic factors of the ecosystem?

Biotic factors are living organisms that affect an ecosystem. These include plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms that interact with each other and their environment. They play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, energy flow, and maintaining the ecological balance within an ecosystem.

What factor's are in a pond ecosystem?

The main factors in a pond ecosystem include abiotic factors like water temperature, sunlight availability, oxygen levels, and nutrient availability. Biotic factors such as aquatic plants, algae, fish, amphibians, insects, and microorganisms also play a crucial role in the pond ecosystem. Each of these factors interacts to create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

A community and its abiotic factors?

A community is a group of different species living in the same area and interacting with each other. Abiotic factors are non-living elements like temperature, sunlight, soil, and water that influence the ecosystem. Together, the community and abiotic factors create a dynamic balance that shapes the environment and determines the diversity and abundance of species within it.

Organisms within an ecosystem are factors in that ecosystem?

Your moms box

Biotic factors and abiotic factors in ecosystem?


What are the factors in an ecosystem?

it depends

What are some factors of an ecosystem?

Main componets of an ecosystem are its Flora and Fauna

What could affect an ecosystem?

the factor that affect and change the ecosystem is how the people living

All the biotic and abiotic factors that interact in a particular area make up an?

An ecosystem

Organisms within an ecosystem are what factors in that ecosystem?

Factors that influence organisms within an ecosystem include biotic factors (living organisms such as plants and animals), abiotic factors (non-living components such as temperature and water availability), and interactions among organisms (competition, predation, and symbiosis). These factors affect the distribution, abundance, and behavior of organisms within the ecosystem.

What are the abiotic factor in a forest ecosystem?

The abiotic factors in a forest ecosystem include the climate, water, nutrients, and soil. Other abiotic factors in a forest ecosystem are the climate and temperature.

In a pond ecosystem ducks pond plants and frogs are?

Biotic factors of the ecosystem