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Q: What are the examples of air resources?
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What is example of inexhaustible resources?

it is a substance that can not be inflamable

What are some examples of plentiful resources?

Some examples of plentiful resources include water, sunlight, and air. These resources are abundant in nature and are essential for sustaining life on Earth.

What are some examples of natural resources from the air?

Two are carbon dioxide and oxygen .

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What are examples of unlimited resources?

Renewable resources, like solar, wind and water power are examples of unlimited resources.

What are the examples of ubiquitous resource?

Examples of ubiquitous resources include air, water, and sunlight. These resources are universally available and can be found almost everywhere on Earth. They are essential for supporting life and are not limited to specific regions or locations.

What is it called when resources are not owned by anyone in particular but shared by all?

That is called a common-pool resource, where resources are collectively owned and accessible to all members of a community. Examples include air and water.

What are the example of natural resources?

Examples of natural resources include water, air, forests, minerals, sunlight, and wildlife. These resources are derived from the environment and are essential for the survival of living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems.

What are the examples replaceable resources?

trees, plants are the example of replaceable resources

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examples of air transportation

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