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A nuclear weapon completely vaporizes itself and anything that is very close. This vapor is largely vaporized metals but will include many other elements. As this vapor cools the oxygen in air will convert it to metal oxides and other oxides (most of which will be radioactive due to the neutron radiation at the time of detonation). The vast majority of these various oxides will condense out as solids on dust and sand grains. However any sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will remain gaseous and can combine with water later to form acid rain.

Some radioactive Noble Gases (e.g. Xenon) are also emitted.

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What does nuking mean?

Is means to destroy with nuclear weapons. Destroy by using nuclear weapons of mass destruction!

Why are nuclear weapons a good thing?

Nuclear weapons are a good thing for the United States because they prevent others from using nuclear weapons on the US. In general, the world would probably be a better place without nuclear weapons if it weren't for the fact that they lead to research in all fields of Nuclear Engineering, like Nuclear Power plants and Nuclear Physics. Since nuclear weapons already exist in the world, for the US to get rid of their nuclear weapons would be unwise. Countries that dislike nuclear weapons or even radical terrorist cells and organizations would now have no reason not to launch a nuclear warhead at the US since no retaliation would occur. The strategy of nuclear weapons preventing others from using them against the US is called the Deterrent Strategy.

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This is a war fought using Atomic weapons. Atomic weapons are weapons that use Nuclear fission explostion producing tremendous pressure and radiation. Later nuclear weapons were called hydrogen bombs that use nuclear fussion.

What is the contract that the nations had to sign that stops them from using atomic bombs?

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treat is a treaty to limit the spread of nuclear weapons.

What is Japans attitude toward nuclear facilities and weapons?

They are a leader in the use of nuclear power. Only the United States is a hold out on using this awesome fuel source. Nuclear weapons are another issue. They, for obvious reasons, do not support the buildup of these weapons.

How do you obliterate the human race?

Using large, nuclear weapons, eg. Bombs

What is one problem with using nuclear weapons?

world go bye-bye

How do you make a sentence using proflirerate?

Proliferate. We should not proliferate nuclear weapons.

How do you make a sentence using proliferate?

The rumors about the new restaurant's amazing food began to proliferate throughout the community.

Why doesn't the US use nuclear weapons?

The US has refrained from using nuclear weapons due to the catastrophic human and environmental consequences associated with their use. Additionally, the world community, including the US, has generally upheld international agreements and norms that seek to prevent the use of nuclear weapons.

Do you have to be qualified to use nuclear weapons?

Yes, you first must have a security clearance then you have to take classes on the weapons you might be using.