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Q: What are the elements of beauty culture?
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Related questions

When was Association 'Peace. Beauty. Culture.' created?

Association 'Peace. Beauty. Culture.' was created in 1994.

What are the elements of beauty?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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what are the elements of culture?

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What are the five elements of culture?

What elements of culture thrived during the tokugawa?

Some of the elements of culture that thrived was like trading and exploring.

What is the 2 element of beauty culture?

fire and water

What elements of culture thrived during the tokugawa shogunate?

Some of the elements of culture that thrived was like trading and exploring.

What elements of culture thrived during tokugawa Shogunate?

Some of the elements of culture that thrived was like trading and exploring.

Does Culture Influence the Way you look at beauty?

yes it does. culture defines principles, relationship to others, concepts that are precious, thus affecting what most important attributes of beauty are.

How does the dominant ideology of culture define beauty?

Through the years the dominant ideology culture defines beauty in different ways. Beauty has been seen as buxom, or Twiggy thin. Beauty is typically seen as symmetric facial features. Beauty can include body art and multiple piercings depending on the dominant ideology.

What do Siamese fighting fish symbolize in Asian culture?

It symbolizes the grace, beauty, strength, and determination of the culture.