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Q: What are the difference between natural elements and natural resources?
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Is their a difference between natural resources and resources?

Yes, there is a difference between natural resources and resources. Natural resources refer to the materials or substances that exist in the natural environment and are used by humans for various purposes, such as oil, water, minerals, and forests. Resources, on the other hand, can refer to any type of asset or supply that is valuable or useful to individuals or organizations, including natural resources, but also including other types of assets such as human resources, financial resources, and technological resources.

What is the difference between natural resources and ecosystem capital?

Natural resources are the things that are present in nature right now. Ecosystem capital is when corporations use those resources to make a profit.

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The difference between uranium and its group?

In the group of actinides uranium, actinium, protactinium and thorium are natural elements; the others (transuranium elements) are artificial elements.

Explain the difference between synthetic material and natural resources?

Nylon is a synthetic material, while cotton is a natural material (resource).

What the difference between human and land resources?

Human resources are man made, and land resources come from the earth. Land resources are all natural. however, human resources often have additives in them.

Difference between natural and manmade resources?

Natural resources are materials that are found in nature, such as water, air, minerals, and forests. Manmade resources are materials that are created by humans, such as buildings, roads, and technology. Natural resources are typically renewable or nonrenewable, while manmade resources are generally finite and rely on the use of natural resources for production.

Is there a connection between natural resources and the products it makes in Egypt?

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What is the difference between manmade and natural recourse?

Manmade resources are created or processed by humans, such as buildings or tools, while natural resources are naturally found in the environment, like water or minerals. Manmade resources require human intervention for their production or extraction, whereas natural resources exist in nature without human manipulation.

What is the difference between study of natural products and pharmacognosy?

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What is the difference between natural resources and human resources?

Natural resources refer to the materials or substances that occur in nature and are used for economic gain. Human resources, on the other hand, refer to the people who make up the workforce of an organization or a country. Natural resources are raw materials, while human resources involve the skills, knowledge, and abilities of individuals.

What is the relationship between natural resources and recycling?

Recycling reduces the amount of natural resources that must be used. That in turn leave more natural resources available for the future.