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The sheer size of big cities, making it easy for gang bosses to operate the modern slave triangle - "Get her hooked, get her into debt, get her on the streets."

This is supported by people-smuggling - also made easier by lax frontier controls.

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There is modern slavery because part of the human condition is that are always some people in every society that consider only themselves and what they want with no concern whatsoever for the rights and needs of others. Slavery is just one of the many crimes against others. Modern slaves exist, like any other commodity, because there is always someone who will pay for it; there is always someone ready to use people when given the chance.

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What are three causes of modern day slavery?

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Where online can one learn about modern day slavery?

One can learn about modern day slavery online on websites such as Slavery Footprint. Other sources online would be news sites and their articles regarding modern day slavery.

What are the three causes of modern slavery in Africa?

Three causes of modern slavery in Africa are poverty, lack of education, and political instability. These factors contribute to vulnerability and exploitation of individuals, leading to various forms of slavery such as forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor.

Are their slaves in Canada in the modern day?

No, slavery is illegal in Canada

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it is a project that research about modern day slavery in canada

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Efforts to end modern day slavery include increasing awareness through education, implementing and enforcing anti-trafficking laws, supporting survivors with services and resources, and collaborating with international partners to address the root causes of slavery. NGOs, governments, and businesses are working together to combat human trafficking and forced labor worldwide.

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Debt bondage is a form of modern day slavery.

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How long has modern day slavery gone on?

just look out side and you will see

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"Unveiling the Chains: A Study on Modern-Day Slavery"

Why does modern day slavery happen?

Modern day slavery occurs due to a range of factors such as poverty, lack of education, inequality, conflict, corruption, and weak governance. Traffickers take advantage of vulnerable individuals and exploit them for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of slavery. Addressing root causes and strengthening laws and enforcement are essential to combat modern day slavery.