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of Eating too much, then turning into Lazy fat butts and die either of Obesity or Diabetes hahaha, STOP stuffing yo face nigg. "Chicken Chicken" <3

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Q: What are the causes and effects of global migration?
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What are the three causes and three effects of human migration?

Three causes of human migration are economic opportunities, political instability, and environmental factors. Three effects of human migration include cultural diversity, demographic changes, and strain on resources in receiving countries.

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Neither is particularly useful.

What are the effects of global warming to the ozone layer?

Global warming is heating of earth. It causes ozone depletion.

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What two effects of the migration of people through Africa

Fom which continent did early people begin their global migration?

Early people began their global migration from the continent of Africa.

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Why is knowing about global warming helpful?

If we understand the causes and effects of global warming then we can change our behaviour to reduce these effects. We can also talk to our friends and family so that more people can spread the message to change our behaviour.

What are the effects of air pollutuion?

Mainly causes global warmth and destroy ozone layer.And causes acid rains.Interrupt photosynthesis and cause respiratory diseases.

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