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Q: What are the 2 common causes of vessel sourced pollution?
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How about the pollution in Iqaluit?

With the increased availability of transportation through the Northwest Passage the potential for pollution in Iqaluit increases, This could include marine incidents of crude oil losses and vessel discharges of bilge water and oil spills.Mineral developement (mines etc.) also has the potential for pollution.

What is an anuerism?

A cerebral or brain aneurysm is a cerebrovascular disease in which weakness in the wall of veins causes a localized dilation or ballooning of the blood vessel. The bursting of an aneurysm in blood vessel can cause brain death.

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What are the factors affecting peripheral resistance which influence BP?

There are three factors that increase peripheral resistance. These factors include autonomic activity, pharmacologic agents, and blood viscosity. Each factor increases the constriction of arteries, which in turn causes peripheral resistance.

What vessel contains most of the blood in the body?

the capillaries are the most common blood vessel in the human body.

Common ailment on the blood vessel?

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Give some common elements what blood be heart blood vessel?


What are the causes of a brain hemorrhage?

subarachnoid hemorrhages are caused by blood being released by a damaged blood vessel and accumulating in the subarachnoid space.