In a free society, individuals have personal liberties and rights to make choices without being restricted or controlled by others. In a slave society, individuals are owned by others and have no autonomy or freedom to make decisions for themselves; their labor and lives are controlled by others.
the main conflict is morgan wants to abolish the monarchy and make everything so everyone is treated equal as most are in society today.
A perfect society where government and law works to make everyone happy is Utopia.Utopia is a society where everything is perfect. The word was invented by Thomas Moore, a great renaissance thinker.
Treat everyone "EQUAL".
to make sure everyone have the equal rights.
The government tries to make businesses equal by enforcing the same rules and the same rights to businesses so no businesses are treated unfairly.
To make society more equal
to make members of society more equal
to make society more equal
The question you asked highlights what I believe is a problem in society. The founding fathers (again, this is my opinion) built this country on a foundation of equal opportunity. That is, the government will not prevent anyone from pursuing life, liberty, and happiness. We, in our modern day, have mistaken what the Founding Fathers wrote for meaning that everyone is entitled to life, liberty, and happiness. Equal opportunity is taken to mean equality. That is, everyone's opportunity must be the same. There must be no person with more opportunity than another person, because then we wouldn't be equal. The only way the government can guaranty that we are equal is by making us all the same. Therefore I think that many people get the mistaken impression that that this sameness is a virtue. It is not. Everyone is unique with unique talents, gifts, backgrounds, and knowledge. To treat everyone the same does them a disservice and, in fact, hobbles us as a society. We need to make sure that everyone can take full advantage of their talents, gifts, and places in society. Only then can we be truly equal.
they make males and females feel equal