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Q: What are some things that could use wheels?
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What are some things that don't have wheels but could use some?

I think it would be nice if the standard home had wheels. This would allow an easy moving of an entire house.

What do you use wheels for?

You use wheels to move things around easilier than to just walk.

What things use wheels?

A wheelbarrow uses wheels.

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Does a bicycle use wheels and axles and a lever?

Yes A Bicycle uses Wheels and the Axles Hold The Wheels Up Plus Some Bikes Have Levers

What could you use for wheels for a mousetrap racer?

You can use CDs, bottle caps, or small plastic wheels for a mousetrap racer. These items are lightweight and can easily be attached to the vehicle.

The wheels you can put on the bottom of washing machines to help you get them in and out?

Is there a question here? What about the wheels? I don't know of any wheels, but you could use a flat cart with wheels on it or a standard appliance handcart to move one if that's what you need.

What did they use to mine gold?

There are many things that you could use to mind for gold. Some of which are shovel, pick, cradle and a pan

What has no wheels you use can use for transportation but you don't use in the snow?

A type of transportation with no wheels, that can't be used in the snow could be a surfboard, raft, catamaran, sailboat, tugboat, steamboat, large turtle, elephant, camel and a dromedary.

What are wheels made out of these days?

Car wheels are made of pressed steel or molded aluminum-magnesium alloy. Most other land vehicles use steel wheels of some sort.

Does you made some useful things by waste items?

You could make a robot out of junk and use it for decoration.

How can YOU use magnets?

You could use magnets to push things like another magnet or you could pull metal things to it.